Security Procedures for Entering the Building
Security Procedures for Entering the Building 2023-2024
Dear Parents,
All visitors and volunteers coming to Linden Avenue School must present a photo ID/driver’s license/government issued ID to the school to gain access to the building. Please remember these reminders:
All visitors need to enter through the front entrance and use the security system to request entry. Once they have rung the bell, they will be asked to state their name and purpose of their visit. They will then be asked to place the coded side of their ID facing up on the Visitor Management Device to the right of the door. Once the system approves the visitor for entry, the visitor will be instructed to report directly to the Main Office to have a photo taken and a visitor pass printed. The photo will only be taken during the visitor's first visit to be stored in the system, but a government issued ID will be required every visit. Parents should not go to the classrooms or the nurse’s office without a mutually agreed upon time scheduled by the staff.
Dropping off personal items (lunches, library books, PE sneakers…) is strongly discouraged.
Children should be dropped off at school as close to the 8:30 AM start time as possible, and no earlier than 8:20 AM unless Before Care is necessary. Students and parents/caregivers should wait outside for staff to open the doors at 8:30 AM. Arrival and Dismissal takes place at the following locations:
Arrival/Dismissal Locations
Pre-Kindergarten - Front Doors to the school
Kindergarten - Back Wing Door by playground equipment
Mrs. Schnack dismisses at the front of the K Wing
Grade One - Back Middle Door
Grade Two - Back door Near Hawthorne Avenue
K-2 parents should not enter the building unless there is a scheduled appointment.
If you arrive for drop-off after the door closes at 8:40, please ring the doorbell and wait for a staff member to let your child into the building.
Visitors are not admitted or readmitted into the school after dismissal, unless there is a scheduled appointment or program time. Parents/guardians entering the school for reasons related to After-care must ring the After-care bell (on the left of the door) and wait to be greeted by After-care staff.
Please know that the safety and security of your children are of the utmost importance to us and we anticipate your cooperation.