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ABC's of First Grade

The ABC's of First Grade
  Absences: If your child will not be in school, please send an email or call the office at (973) 429-8301.

  Art: We have Art twice in a 6 day cycle.

 Birthdays: Birthdays are celebrated in First Grade! Your child will receive a special birthday crown and pencil as well as an exciting trip to Mr. Caravela's office for a birthday surprise!

Book orders (Scholastic): About once a month your child will bring home a Scholastic book order form. There are some excellent, inexpensive books that your child will treasure.  The return date will be on the letter. For every dollar you spend, we receive bonus points to purchase books and materials for our classroom. For every online order, our class receives a FREE book!! Happy Reading!


Check-Out Procedures: If you need to check your child out of school early please stop by the office to sign your child out.

Conferences: Parent-Teacher Conferences are held in November and March.

Discipline: We work hard as a class to make our classroom safe for all!

 E-mail: My email address is  This is an excellent way to communicate with me. I check my email on a daily basis and will get back to you as soon as possible.
  Folders:  Your child will have a folder that will be sent home daily containing homework, papers from the office, notes from me, newsletters, etc. Please check this folder nightly, remove any necessary papers, and return it to school the following day.  Any correspondence should go through this folder. This is where I will look for your notes, notes for the office, etc.
 GREAT YEAR! It is my personal goal to make sure that your child has a great year and an unforgettable first grade experience. I am looking forward to a great year with your child!
  Homework: Homework is expected to be completed nightly.  However, the Language Arts BINGO board is not due back until the end of the month.  Math homework is due the following day unless otherwise noted on the homework sheet.  There is no homework on Friday!
 Injury/Sickness at School: If your child is injured or becomes sick at school, Nurse Barton will contact you or the person you listed on your emergency form. Please make sure you have handed in an emergency form.
Independence: Indpendence is a goal for students because it builds self-esteem and self-confidence. 1st Graders are very capable of doing many things on their own and we encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom.



Journals: We write everyday in First Grade.  Each child has their journal to practice writing. Encourage your child to write at home as well!
 Keep Updated:  Please keep updated by checking your child's folder nightly and reviewing the school's website for updates. 
Lunch: Our lunch time is from 11:30-12:00.

Library: We have Library with Mrs. Fagan once in a 6 day cycle.

Music: We have music with Ms. Frissell twice in a 6 day cycle.
Names: Please be sure to write your child’s name on all belongings brought to school: lunchboxes, backpacks, coats, change of clothes, water bottles, etc.

Nurse: Our school nurse is Nurse Barton. If your child has any health issues, please make her aware of these. 

Office: Mrs. Travisano is the school’s secretary.  You can reach Mrs. Travisano at (973) 429-8301.   Use this number to report absences, pick-up changes, or other pertinent matters. Your child should be signed out through the office if you are picking them up before dismissal.

Physical Education: We have P.E. three times in a 6 day cycle.

 Questions: Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education.  You may write a note and place it in your child’s homework folder or email me.  I strongly believe we must work closely together to best met the needs of your child and help him/her reach his/her maximum potential. 
 Recess: We will have recess each day from 12:00-12:30. We will be on the playground as weather allows. Otherwise, we will have recess inside.
 Snack: We will have snack once in the morning.  Please send in a healthy, nut-free snacks.  It is helpful if you send the snack to school in a labeled bag separate from their lunch. 
Toys: Please keep all toys at home.
Unique: The special ages of five, six, and seven are a unique time of curiosity, energy beyond belief, and rapid learning. At this age children soak up information like little sponges and are being introduced to many new concepts and ideas. 
Volunteers: We need volunteers to help during lunch time on special lunch days and during library.  We also love when parents volunteer to help us with our celebrations in the classroom as well as on field trips!   If you are unable to volunteer in the classroom, you may help out by making donations such as paper towels, Clorox wipes, or tissues.
  Websites: Visit the Glen Ridge School District’s website at or Linden Avenue School’s website to keep updated on school news and events.
 Extra Sneakers: Your child may keep an extra pair of sneakers in their cubby at school.  
 You!: You are your child’s first and most important teacher. No one can influence your child’s life in the way that you can!
 ZZZZZ’s: Make sure your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a consistent bedtime is a wonderful idea!

Zoom: Before we know it, this year will be over. I know we have a great year together. I am looking forward to working with each of you to ensure that your child enjoys his or her first grade experience. Believe it or not, this year will ZOOM by!
