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Social Studies

Social Studies

The mission of Social Studies in the Glen Ridge Schools is to educate students to become active participants in a democratic society.  The Social Studies curriculum will develop the students’ understanding of themselves and their environment, encompassing family, community, state, nation, and the world.  The curriculum stresses an educational environment which teaches respect for cultures, gender and ethnic diversity.  The goals will empower students with critical thinking, decision-making, and communication skills.  The Social Studies program will provide students the opportunity to learn about the past and present so that they will be prepared for the future.


The pre-kindergarten social studies curriculum will provide each student with an introduction to being a good citizen, humanities, U.S. history, economics, geography, family, community life, and culture in developmentally appropriate activities that allow for a variety of learning styles.  Each child will apply what he or she learns to their everyday life in the classroom and outside in the world. Units include Who We Are, Making Friends, Families, Food, Our Neighborhood, Transportation, Animals, and Nature.


The kindergarten social studies curriculum will provide concepts for each student to explore about citizenship, humanities, U.S. history, economics, geography, and community life, and culture in developmentally appropriate activities that allow for a variety of learning styles.  Each child will apply what he or she learns to their everyday life in the classroom and outside in the world. Units include Friends and Family, Where We Live, Working Together, I Am A Citizen, People Work, and Things Change.


The first grade social studies curriculum will reinforce students’ skills in citizenship, humanities, history, economics, geography, and community life through a variety of learning styles.  It is intended that each child will apply what he/she learned to their everyday life in the classroom and outside in the everyday world. Units include All About Families, Where we Live, Good Citizens, All Kinds of Jobs, and Americans Long Ago.


The second grade social studies curriculum will support and strengthen thinking, problem solving, research, and social skills.  Through real-life examples and a variety of learning styles, students will have an enriched and broader understanding of the humanities, cultural awareness and contributions, geography, history, economics, citizenship, and society. Units include Our Community, All About Earth, Our Past, All About Work, and Our Government.