School Health Services
The School Nurse/Health Teachers of Glen Ridge add their personal, warm welcome to you as you join our school community. Please know that you now have an extended family of concerned people here at school. Your school nurse is an important part of that team of professionals available to help you care for your child.
The Glen Ridge Board of Education employs a full-time, certified School Nurse/Health Teacher for each of the four schools. This allows the nurse to care for the student’s immediate health needs as well as work preventively through teaching in the classroom. Nurses frequently consult with one another to draw on each other’s knowledge and provide continuity of care as your child moves through the district.
Health Education/Family Life Education
As educators and nurses, we fully recognize that we serve as mere assistant to you, the primary health teacher for your child. We encourage you to share your thoughts and concerns as we deal with the changing needs of our children.
Health Education content areas at the Kindergarten, first and second grades include; Human Growth and Development, Personal Health Practices, Disease Prevention and Control, Nutrition, Substance Abuse, Interpersonal Skills and Safety.
Please know that when it is anticipated that a sensitive subject will be discussed, you will be notified in advance of the lesson content. This will give you the opportunity to speak with the teacher and or your child and decide if you wish to exclude him/her from the lesson. However, occasionally a discussion leads into an area not planned and sometimes it is that “teachable moment” that must be seized. When placed in that situation, we will attempt to give factual, age appropriate answers and encourage them to continue the discussion with you, their parents.